Work   About
Christopher Nelson
Associate Creative Director

OREO Pride

As part of OREO’s initiative to support the LGBTQ+ community all year long, we created a short film about what it means to be an ally to someone you love.
To do this correctly, we teamed up with Award-Winning director Alice Wu  (Saving Face, The Half of It) to tell an authentic, nuanced intergenerational story.

Most people loved it, even calling it the “Gay OREO Cinematic universe”

And as a special bonus, it broke the brains of conservative commentators.
Giving us tons of free media time, including Tucker Carlson running the spot in its entirety 4 times on his show. 

Teasers for the release

OREO Pride Pack

Building off the note in our film, we created special pride packs covered in words of support and love from real allies, with one special feature: a space for someone to write their own note to someone they love in their life.


To get the word out and show people how to use the packs to show their allyship we partnered with one of the most famous allies Michelle Visage to have her write messages to her fans in a pack giveaway.

New York, NY.